Daily Archives: May 17, 2011

Too young…

First off, I want to send lots of hugs and kisses to all of my readers who left such sweet comments about my post regarding how Justin and I came to be.  One of the main points that I really took out of your comments.. as Vivianne put it – is that there is no such thing as an ordinary love story.

How true is that?! All love is extraordinary.. especially when you find someone that compliments you so well – like two peas in a pod. So – with that being said – thank you for enjoying my EXTRAORDINARY  love story 🙂

So – this was a nice little Tuesday for me.. since it feels like a Monday – but there are only 3 more days left of my work week.. rather then 4! 🙂

Despite the gross weather (that has no end in sight 😦 )

I was excited to show off my new do’  to my students and coworkers.

Everyone said they loved it.. but I don’t think people would actually say if they didn’t like someone’s new style.  I am defintely liking it more now though – then I did right after the initial shock!

A run-down of today’s eats (well some of them. I never picture everything I eat!)

Oats for breakfast.. durr


Easy Dinner

And as for my exercise…

I’ve got NOTHING for ya. That is right. COMPLETE rest day. No yoga. No leisurly stroll. Rest. Long overdue rest. It felt nice to just relax and do nothing. I am sure I am going to feel energize and rejuvinated when I hit up the gym tomorrow after work!

I am sure by now you are confused at the title of my post since.. well, thus far, there has been no actual connection.

As a newbie in the school systems, I am shocked by the alarming rate of bullies within the schools – and just how young the cattiness and downright mean and disrespectful actions begin.

When I look back at my education, I do not remember bullying being too much of an issue until I got to middle school.

But I deal with bullying in my classroom every single day. It is exhausting. It is frustrating.. and it is also heartbreaking.  While I am doing everything in my power to control bullying and to keep my kids safe, I can only imagine what future years of school will be like for many of these students.

Children – even 7 and 8 year olds…. are SMART…. perhaps genius – when it comes to bullying.  The second an adult is out of ear shot – or turns their back to help another child – there may be an elbow jab – a kick – a rude remark.  There is just so much annimosity between some children… and it can be quite difficult to get to the bottom of it.

Sometimes, I feel like the issue of bullying spirals out of control in my classroom (especially if I am not there… i.e., yesterday).  WIth the help of some collegeues, I believe that the root of a lot of the trouble in children – is a lack of self-esteem and self confidence.

Lashing out at other students serves as a defense mechanism.  If the student with low self-esteem is always dishing out the nasty comments – there is no time for someone to launch an attack on them.. or perhaps a student is too intimidated to make a remark at this bully’s expense.

Bullying is a problem in all schools. Not just in inner-city schools – or in districts with a certain demographic.  It is everywhere. And it is getting bad.  With so many more outlets to bully.. like facebook, twitter, through texting, etc.. There are so many young children and teenagers who feel like they have their backs against the wall due in large part to what others are saying about them – or doing to them.

We’ve had workshops on bullying – and our school even had a guest author – who wrote a book about how he was bullied as a child -to try and get the harshness under control.  It has not seemed to work yet.

So, today, I have decided to take a different approach.  An approach that will encourage positive behaviors – rather then concentrate on the discipline of negative behaviors.


Yes – we are playing a game… and this here.. is the Caught Ya jar.  Whenever I catch a student being a good friend, they get to take a ticket – write their name and their good deed down on the paper – and place it in the jar.

At the end of every week – I will draw two names out of the jar – and those students will get to enjoy a lovely lunch with yours truly.

Lunch with the teacher.. is like a God send. They were soo excited about this.  By reinforcing positive behaviors -and truly commending acts of friendship, I am also hoping to build self-esteem, self-image… self-concept… you know.. all of those oh-so-important things related to the self (that we all struggle with even now and again as adults).

So – let’s keep our fingers crossed for a more caring environemtn in second grade for these last couple of weeks of school!

Tell me about your experiences with bullying.  Where you ever the victim of bullying – or maybe on the other side of the fence?  Any tips for preventing bullying? Helping youngsters value their self worth?

The Story of Us

Good morning my little love bunnies!  Hope you all had a wonderful Monday.  I am embarking on my Monday today..since I had a extra little day off this week!

Today – I wanted to share with you a little story.  A love story to be exact.  One about a boy and a girl.. who meet.. and fall in love.. under rather normal circumstances.

Why am I sharing this story if it a not so random love story.  Well.. because this boy’s name.. is Justin. And the girl.. her name is Cait.  And this story holds a special place in my heart.. because it is my story.

It all started one winter day in January of 2010.  The 17th of January to be exact.  I was in one of my funks.. where I wasn’t too keen on going out very often. Somehow, my former college roomate and one of my best friends convinced to travel 45 minutes from my apartment down to hers.. for a night out on the town :).

The girl responsible for it all..

I accepted her invitation with some hesitation – because I was in the middle of earning my graduate degree – and interning full time at an elemenrary school.  Long nights of drinking usually did not fit in the my schedule. But, I accepted, nonetheless.

The night started out pretty harmless.  My girl, Christine, her friend from home, Mare, and I headed out to have some drinks.. bar hopped a few times.

A ... few ... drinks under my belt

In walked a number of Christine’s coworkers.  One began chatting me up – buying me a few drinks.  We started dancing… really hitting it off.  This boy’s name.. happened to be Justin.

No. It wasn’t a coincidence.. it is actually the same Justin that I am now dating.

The night we met...

So – we danced the night away – and a group of us ended up crashing on the floor.. of Christine’s 500 sq. ft studio apartment. It was a tight squeeze. I think I ended up on the kitchen floor.

The next morning, I was kind enough to drive Justin home – a half hour drive.. through snowy conditions.. in the opposite direction of where I lived.

Quite honestly.. he must have really been appreciative of the fact that I drove him home in stormy weather.. because I haven’t been able to shake him since! 😉

Over the next 6 months – we spent most weekends at my apartment really getting to know each other.  When my lease was up – we were both living at home…. and we were separated by more than an hour car drive.

Yes.. I understand there are people who live much further away from their significant other – but this doesn’t make our situation any easier. There were tough times – with the distance.. and with the fact that we were both living with our parents.  We had been used to me having my own apartment…so it was an adjustment.

We made it work though – because we love each other. Even when times were hard.. (mostly because of my stubborness…) we pulled through each difficult situation.

Last year – we decided we were going to take a big step in our relationship.. and move in together. Not just move in togther.. like rent. Like.. BUY and move in together.

The process of buying a house (which you can read more about here) was the greatest hardship our relationship had encountered. Our weekends were no longer spent having date nights.. or lounging.. but instead were filled with number crunching, figuring out budgets..and going on endless house hunting adventures.

House-Hunting can be quite the rollercoaster!

When we finally closed on our condo – we pulled it together – and did a lot of work to make this house.. OUR home. And it couldn’t be any better. After living with Justin for 9 months.. there is one thing that I am postive of:

I love him more every day.  The reasons I love him… well, they are endless.. but I can name a few for ya:

  • His patience and understanding.  On my toughest of days.. the days when I come home.. and just want to be in my own little bubble.. Justin understands. He knows that I can be stubborn.. I can snap.. and he let’s it roll of his shoulders..and waits for me to return to earth.
  • His devotion. Justin puts his heart and soul into everything that he does.  Whether it be work.. play.. or a relationship.. you can count on Justin to pull through with whatever it is that is needed.  He has an incredible drive to do the best that he possible can.. and his efforts do not go unnoticed.. at work .. or at home.
  • His sense of humor.  Justin has no shame.. he will gallop around the house.. break out in a dance/or song just about anywhere… and recognize the right times where a joke is needed to lighten the mood.  He always knows what to say to get me to crack a smile
  • And of course.. his love for me. I know that Justin loves me with every ounce of his heart.. and would do anything and everything to ensure my happiness.  He shows me his love in both little ways.. and big ways. I can count on him for anything – and know he would be by my side in any time of need.

I hope that he knows.. that the love he has for me.. is returned.. in an even larger quantity.  He has showed me the true meaning of  love.. and helped me to understand that a real relationship has a solid foundation built on TRUST not jealousy and insecurities. I am forever grateful for having him in my life – and have found true happiness with him by my side.  He is not solely responsible for my happiness.. but he has guided me to a happy place. 
So .. thank you Christine – for introducing us 28 months ago. And thank you Justin – for being the most amazing and supportive man that I could possibly dream  of. I love you!